Thursday, September 12, 2019

Why Buy My Book?

There is a session called "Why Buy My Book?" on the 20th of September at PILF19, the first day of the Pune International Literary Festival. I have about 8 minutes to tell people why my book, The Hawa Mahal Murders, is worth a buy.

It's always a challenge to convince people to buy one's book because one has to be absolutely clear about one's target audience. Once I finish the session I will post my talk here. But one thing I must mention, something I feel I should have done before the first edition was published. I should have had a blurb at the back saying that this was a "winner at the PILF18." Why didn't I think of it? In the second edition, I shall say this and more. "Launched at PILF19." Yes, that's being very hopeful, that there will be a second edition. But there will be. I want to think positive.

Here is the schedule for
the 20th of September, at PILF19, the first day of the Pune International Literary Festival.

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